
PodChatLive is a weekly video live stream that I co-host with Ian Griffiths on Facebook. After the live stream, its available on YouTube and our website. The audio version is also available as a podcast.

It all started when I was in the UK and visited with Ian and his family for dinner. After dinner, Ian set his phone and we went live on Facebook to have a discussion about whatever came up. When I returned we repeated it remotely. The following week we had on a guest (Chris Bishop) and it went from there. We now have a different guest or group of guests on each week and it is free to watch and will always remain so.

Why? We like the feedback, we like the positive comments. We do not charge for it and make no money from it, so all get from it is the positive reception that it gets.

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel, like us on Facebook and sign up for our email notification of new episodes.

The first episode:

The most recent episode:

Podiatry Jobs

I have decided to go on a bit of a mission. The jobs section at Podiatry Arena has always been busy with lots of jobs being posted. I know from the site’s search engine statistics that the keyword ‘Podiatry Arena jobs’ is searched for often. There are many places to find podiatry jobs, with some employers going to more lengths that others to get the work out. So I have decided to take it to the next level and create a central repository for podiatry jobs world wide on the PodiaPaedia site. There have always been the My Podiatry Jobs and the Podiatrist Jobs websites, but neither of them have really taken off.

What I want to do is create “THE” one stop resource for all things ‘podiatry jobs’. The one place the employers and prospective employees can go to to find a good listing of almost all podiatry jobs going … well, at least that is the plan.

If you see it anywhere, please head over and support it.